Medvode Yonex Cup

V klubu vsako leto organiziramo Medvode Yonex Cup mednarodni turnir, namenjem vsem igralcem v kategorijah do 11, 13, 15 in 17 let.

Najstarejša kategorija šteje tudi za točke evropske jakostne lestvice igralcev do 17 let. Do sedaj smo to tekmovanje uspešno izvedli že dvanajstkrat. Vsako leto se turnirja udeleži veliko število igralcev številnih držav, zato je to lepa izkušnja tudi za slovenske igralce.
Every year, the club organizes the Medvode Yonex Cup international tournament, for all players in the categories under 11, 13, 15 and 17 years. The oldest category also counts for points in the European ranking of players under the age of 17.

So far, we have successfully held this competition twelve times. Every year, a large number of players from many countries take part in the tournament, so it is a nice experience for Slovenian players as well.

Facebook page of the tournament: